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Fashioned after a traditional Oaxacan mezcal bar, Mezcalería Tobalá offers an intimate experience unlike any other in Austin, Texas. The back- bar carries a broad selection of wild varietals of mezcal including Mexicano, Madre Cuixe, Arroqueño, Tobalá, Tepextate, Jabali, Pechuga and of course Espadin. Served in the traditional vessels of Copitas and Veladoras with additional Sal de Gusano-mezcal flights are also available for a fully immersive experience. Mezcalería Tobalá is also available to rent for private functions. The perfect spot to host anything from a spirits tasting class to a birthday gathering; better yet, combine the two! Best suited for groups of 20 or under. Send us an email at info@whislersatx.com for more information.

Open Fridays & Saturdays from 7 pm to 2 am